Christopher Krautheim has been in the optical industry for 35 years and a licensed Optician since 1994. There are very few days you won't find him working, making sure every detail of his business is handled in the most professional manner. He prides himself and his employees on his customer service and products. You can stop in and get your glasses adjusted anytime at no charge and he personally stands behind the products he sells.
His business model is based on getting a quality product at affordable prices. He's also on the cutting edge of new eye care products and educates his customers on which he feels will benefit their everyday vision needs. Examples of these products are the newest editions and digital design free form progressive lenses (no line bi-focals), glare free coatings, high-index lens materials & transition lenses. On top of that, Jersey Shore Eye Care has the best selection of fashion eyewear from all of the hottest designers. Chris has a pair of frames to meet even the most discerning tastes.
Jersey Shore Eye Care is a full service facility with a lab on premises. They offer contact lenses at competitive prices, conventional frame and lens replacement, prescription and non prescription sunglasses, and sports related safety eyewear. Other services that are offered are duplicate prescriptions from patient's current eyewear.
Chris himself is very pleasant, well mannered, caring and prides himself on his businesses appearance. His store displays are not the typical type you see in most stores. The shore theme and relaxed atmosphere is prevalent throughout the store. Most insurance plans and all major credit cards are accepted. He invites everyone to “Experience The Difference” of Jersey Shore Eye care in every facet of eyewear and eye care imaginable.